Last Saturday The Voice Inc. held its inaugural ‘Clean Generation Corporate Dinner’ in Lae as a fundraiser to support youth-led innovations at the Centre for Leadership at the PNG University of Technology. Renewable energy company PNG Biomass proudly sponsored a table at the event and was one of a few private sector organisation in attendance.
The dinner is part of the Clean Generation Campaign that is supported by schools, universities, churches and the Government of PNG under the strategy for responsible sustainable development which calls for a paradigm shift in how we approach development and calls for people to be responsible for decisions at all levels.
PNG Biomass Health, Safety, Environment and Security Supervisor, Ninning Jal, attended the event and said that PNG Biomass is impressed to see the Clean Generation Campaign creating a movement of young people that stand together to be a purposeful, virtuous and responsible generation.
“As a renewable energy company we love to see the emergence of a community of young people that share our values and collective vision of a clean and renewable future for PNG. We know that a community of like-minded people can be a powerful driver for innovation and change. That’s why we are supporting the campaign,” said Jal.
The Clean Generation Dinner served as a platform for the talent of young people at local High Schools and the PNG University of Technology to showcase their innovative ways harnessing clean energy and mitigating against climate change. One innovation presented was a prototype water and windmill clean energy project.
“We had eight of our PNG Biomass staff attend the evening, and all were very excited to see the passion with which a new generation is embracing renewable and clean energy. Our team loved the ‘Clean Tech Chiller’ which operates on solar and stores fish for locals along the Morobe coastline. The Chiller was built by the youths to meet a basic need they had identified and proudly funded by The Voice Inc.’s climate change and rural development program,” said Jal.
The dinner was formally opened by Serena Sumanop, Founder and Chair of The Voice Inc., who acknowledged the critical role PNG Biomass plays as the key project in PNG leading the renewable energy front.
“For a future with clean energy we need to start using clean natural domestic resources like hydro, solar, wind and biomass, these are the most sensible ways forward. These energy sources are our best bet to fight climate change, and most people don’t realise that they are already cheaper than traditional fossil fuels,” said Sumanop.
“Our PNG Biomass team is proud to be here at the dinner, knowing that we can deliver the best, cheapest and cleanest fuel to displace the polluting Heavy Fuel Oil and diesel generation in Lae – which is costing PNG Power at least twice as much as our biomass power,” said Jal.
“Renewables are the future for a clean next generation, while others talk we are already delivering,” emphasised Jal.